Wednesday, 21 December 2011

How to Replace iPhone Signal Bars With Numbers

If you want to check your signal strength accurately, here's a simple tutorial to show you how to replace your iPhone signal strength bars with numbers and switch easily between bars and numbers. 
Step 1: Open your Phone app from ou Springboard then dial this number *3001#12345#*

30 Adventurous Public Bench Designs

Thinking differently is what creatives do on the regular. Most of the time schools teach us to think and act based on society’s standards. But the brave ones who dare to think differently usually change our aspect. That exact concept furthermore applies to design. Design in general is huge, but for the moment lets narrow it down to industrial furniture design.

9 Logo Was Rejected by Google

9 logo was rejected by google

4 Negara dengan Usia Terpendek

Empat Negara dengan Usia Terpendek

1. Carpatho-Ukraine
Ibu kota : Khust
Bahasa : Ukrainan
Pemerintahan : Republic
Presiden: Avgustyn Voloshyn
Perdana Menteri : Julian Révaý
Era : Interwar period
Merdeka : 15 maret 1939
Digabungkan (dengan negara lain) : 16 Maret 1939

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Tahun 2012 Tarif Parkir Naik 400%. Jangan Dijadikan Ajang Cari Uang !!!

Dewan Transportasi Kota Jakarta menyatakan pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan yang tinggi membuat kepadatan di jalan semakin tidak terkendali. Bertambahnya volume kendaraan itu juga mendatangkan sejumlah konsekuensi baru.
"Pertumbuhan kendaraan yang luar biasa yaitu sekitar 11-12 persen per tahun menjadikan beban jalan semakin hari semakin berat. Dampak jaringan jalan yang begitu padat menimbulkan banyak masalah," ujar anggota Dewan Transportasi Kota Jakarta (DTKJ) Iskandar Abu Bakar di Jakarta.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Rooting of Samsung Galaxy

Root Guide

1. Install Lastest Kies for Samsung Galaxy ACES5830 from samsung website into your pc.

2.Download and install SuperOneClick 1.7 by ShortFuse.

3. Unmount your sd card under setting>sdcard and phone storage setting>Unmount SD card and then remove it from your phone.

Root HTC EVO 4G, Wildfire, Aria, Desire and Droid Incredible with unrevoked 3.3

The latest 3.3 version of the popular unrevoked rooting tool for HTC Android devices has just been released today, bringing much-needed and long-awaited support for latest versions of HBOOTs and official OTA updated ROMs. If you own an HTC EVO 4GWildfireAriaDesire or Droid Incredible, read on for details and rooting instructions. 

SketchBook Mobile for Android

Unleash your creativity with SketchBook Mobile for Android!
Autodesk SketchBook® Mobile is a professional-grade paint and drawing application offering a full set of sketching tools and a streamlined and intuitive user interface. 

Xperia™ smartphones bring future experiences already today

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of announcing that we plan to upgrade the entire 2011 Xperia™ portfolio to Android 4.0, also known as Ice Cream Sandwich, here at the blog. Although I’m looking forward to this upcoming upgrade, I’m already really enjoying our latest Xperia™ upgrade (Android 2.3.4) and I’m happy to see all the positive comments on the blog about the new features and entertainment experiences available through the upgrade.

Remote for iTunes

This is the one.
The top rated, full-featured and reliable iTunes remote. No computer download required.
Control iTunes via Wi-Fi. Choose your favorite artists, genres, albums and playlists as if you're at your PC or Mac. Play music on your computer and AirPlay speakers, and adjust volume with total control. Rate tunes, add to DJ and more. 

Too Many Similar Devices Cause Consumer "Gadget Fatigue"

When did the end user become a beta tester?

There is a surplus of gadgets on the market today and many are only marginally different from other devices on the market. Many of the devices are coming to market with such small changes (compared to previous models) that consumers just don’t see the need to “upgrade”. In addition, some consumers feel that gadgets are also coming out with new features that are being pushed before they are ready to buy them.

CloudFTP Wi-Fi Enables Just About Anything

You'd think everything would come Wi-Fi capable these days but I still spend more time digging the correct USB cable out of my rats nest of a desk drawer than I do actually transferring files. No thanks, not when the CloudFTP will impart wireless connectivity to any USB device. 

5 Tingkatan dalam Dunia Hacker

5. Lamer:
Mereka adalah orang tanpa pengalaman & pengetahuan yang ingin menjadi Hacker (wanna-be Hacker). Mereka biasanya membaca atau mendengar tentang Hacker & ingin seperti itu. Penggunaan komputer mereka terutama untuk main game, IRC, tukar menukar software prirate, mencuri kartu kredit.

Setelah sempat kecolongan karna China Telah membuka Taman Angry Birds Secara ilegal,Taman Angry Birds akan segera dibuka tahun depan

Ini adalah taman Angry Birds resmi pertama milik Rovio. Ya, setelah sukses dengan penjualan game dan berbagai merchandise, rencananya mulai tahun depan Rovio akan membuka taman bertema Angry Birds di sejumlah negara. 

3 Prinsip penjualan (selling) yg wajib dikuasai seller, sales, marketing dan bussinesman

Ingat,janganlah anda menjual produk anda sebelum anda berhasil menjual REPUTASI anda.

Misalnya ketika anda ingin membeli komputer,hp,tv,laptop dll tentu pertama-tama yg anda pertimbangkan adalah sebuah nama atau yg lebih dikenal dgn sebutan BRAND (merk). 

7 Penemuan Benda Purbakala Yang Belum Terungkap Misterinya

1. The Grooved Spheres

Selama beberapa dekade terakhir, penambang di Afrika Selatan telah menggali bola2 logam misterius.

Tips Agar Tidak Stres Usai Liburan

1. Selesaikan semua pekerjaan yang belum selesai
Sebelum mengatakan "sampai jumpa lagi" kepada pekerjaan, selesaikan sebanyak mungkin pekerjaan yang bisa diselesaikan. Ini akan mencegah Anda dari perasaan khawatir tentang hal-hal yang harus dikejar usai kembali dari liburan.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

10 Charger Bertenaga Surya

Freeloader Solar Charger

1. Freeloader Portable Solar Charger adalah sistem pengisian portabel yang dapat mengisi baterai hampir setiap perangkat genggam, setiap saat. Terbungkus dalam tubuh aluminium hardy modern, perangkat ini pada dasarnya dual powered - dengan panel surya dan bahkan oleh kabel pengisian connectible ke PC USB port. baterai iPod dapat diisi untuk 18 jam, ponsel selama 44 jam, sebuah PDA untuk 22 jam dan bahkan PSP selama 2,5 jam! Solar charger ini luar biasa harganya hanya $ 39,9.9....

Inilah Macam2 Sinar UV Dan 5 Tips Untuk Perlindungan Dari Radiasi Sinar UV!

Anda mungkin telah mendengar di mana-mana bahwa anda membutuhkan perlindungan dari sinar matahari. Hal ini karena sinar matahari memiliki efek berbahaya pada kulit yang dapat menyebabkan penuaan dini kulit, kanker kulit, kulit terbakar dan sejumlah masalah lain. Paparan radiasi ultraviolet dari sinar matahari berkontribusi terhadap 90% gejala penuaan dini kulit.Banyak perubahan kulit yang umumnya diyakini karena faktor usia, seperti keriput dan mudah iritasi, sebenarnya juga akibat paparan radiasi uv berkepanjangan.

Museum Angkatan Bersenjata Di Rusia yg mengagumkan

HoMuseum Angkatan Bersenjata Tengah di Rusia juga dikenal sebagai Museum Angkatan Darat Uni Soviet, adalah sebuah Museum di Moskow utara dekat Tentara Merah Theater. Eksposisi pertama yang menunjukkan kondisi militer Republik Soviet dan Tentara Merah diselenggarakan di Moskow dalam pembangunan saat ini Negara Universal Store, dan dibuka oleh Vladimir Lenin tanggal 25 Mei 1919, setelah parade di Red Square.

Cacing Yang Hidup Di Mata Manusia


Kasus pertama infeksi Loa loa tercatat di Karibia (Santo Domingo) pada tahun 1770. Seorang ahli bedah Prancis bernama Mongin mencoba tetapi gagal untuk menghapus cacing yang lewat di mata seorang wanita. Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada 1778, ahli bedah Guyot Francois dapat melakukan pembedahan pada cacing di mata seorang budak dari Afrika Barat pada kapal Prancis ke Amerika.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Control Your Android With Computer Using AirDroid, Download Now

AirDroid is a fairly sophisticated application that works with wifi to control theandroid from your computer or laptop. The application that was launched by SAND STUDIO This allows you to fully control the phone without having to touch it.

GeoHot Hacked the Sony Playstation 3

Georze Hotz aka GeoHot infamous father of iPhone jailbreak announced that he hacked the Sony Playstation . GeoHot said he was working from 3 years, 2 months and 11 days in Playstation Project. According to GeoHot he got read/write access to the entire system memory, and HV level access to the processor. 
He also managed to dumps of LV0 and LV1 and the NAND without removing it or a modchip

Guide to Install Uninstall .deb File on iPhone

You can install apps via .deb files if you jailbreaked and SSH your iPhone. If you are looking for an easy peasy guide for How to Access iPhone via SSH on Windows MacCheck this one. So now you have a jailbreaked iPhone with SSH installed and you have the access of the filesystem of your iPhone. If you satisfies the above condition you can follow the universal process of installing and uninstalling .deb to your iPhone 2G, 3G or 3GS. There are two methods to install .deb file but i always prefer to use method 1 though it is long than method 2 but it is more reliable.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Nintendo to release Circle Pad Pro to US through Gamestop: February 7th for $20

That extra analog stick and three shoulder buttons -- they make all the difference and net you additional street cred in the process. Following up on its Japanese release of the Circle Pad Pro over the weekend, Nintendo has stated that it will release the accessory to the US exclusively through Gamestop on February 7th with a retail price of $20.

Roku 2, LT update adds support for both MKVs and an upcoming official iOS remote app

Logitech's Revue isn't the only connected TV platform getting some holiday season update action, as Rokujust announced a major update coming to all of its Roku 2 players (and the LT) with a slew of new features to. The two biggest additions we noted were support for MKV playback -- but no official local streaming channel yet, only USB playback is listed -- and mobile support for an official Roku iPhone app (unofficial ones are already available on many platforms, expect an Android version afterward) it says is "coming soon."

Caltech sets 186Gbps Internet speed record, makes our 5Mbps look even more inadequate (video)

Did you know that the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has already produced 100 petabytes of data that needed to be sent out to labs across the world for analysis? Pushing that amount of information across the Internet is a gargantuan task, which is why Caltech teamed up with the Universities of Victoria,Michigan and Florida (International) amongst others to try and break the internet speed record.